Somewhere along highway a bit south of San Felipe is some abandoned development of some sort. It looked like it would have been some nice place at some point in it’s history but now it sits abandoned; the old paint fading under the harsh Baja sun and the remaining roads ever more covered by the encroaching dunes. I parked the truck just inside the old rusty gate and cautiously wandered around, not sure if anyone still cared about this place or not. I walked down the ‘main street’ which led towards the sea and came across a couple sets of Mexican fishermen drinking beer out of the back of their old rusty pickup trucks. The beach was thoroughly covered in trash, so it looks like this was a common hang out place which helped fade any thoughts I had of trying to bribe the police as they come to arrest me for trespassing. At the beach was a nice view across the small bay and back towards San Felipe so I decided to come back a few hours later at sunset for a few photo.