Hiking from Kvikkjokk to Ritsem


The Padjelantaleden – Padjelanta Trail – is a 140 km thru-hike in northern Sweden. Beginning in the south in the small mountain village of Kvikkjokk and finishing in the north at the lakeside village of Änonjalmme, the trail leads you through the forested Tarra valley before crossing into the spectacular mountain highlands of Padjelanta national park.

With 10 STF/BLT mountain huts along the trail or the option of wild camping anywhere along the route, the hike is well suited for beginner hikers looking for a first long distance hiking experience.

Somewhat overshadowed by the international popularity of the nearby Kungsleden trail or the more rugged and adventurous mountains of Sarek national park, the Padjelantaleden only receives a fraction of the visitors hiking among the mountains of Swedish Lapland. This results in a relaxing hiking experience on a trail which remains in good condition, not over-worn like the northern Kungsleden, peaceful huts, and more or less your choice of any camping spot to pitch a tent.

The scenery itself is equally spectacular and once you’ve climbed into the highlands, the views are almost overwhelming. Day after day is spent hiking across the rolling hills of the high mountain plateau in the heart of Padjelanta national park. Surrounded by wild flowing rivers and endless lakes, water is everywhere as the trail winds its way through the high mountain landscape.

Padjelantaleden Sweden - Hiking From Kvikkjokk to Ritsem


Padjelantaleden – Kvikkjokk to Ritsem is a day to day hiking guide about Sweden’s 140 km Padjelanta trail. This guide covers everything from the basics of how to get there, what clothes you need to wear, to a day by day hiking guide of the trail. And more than just a written guide, the ebook also provides you dozens of images to help inspire your hike.

PDF eBook, 128 pages, 103 images

Second edition, December 2022

Price: $10

(+VAT in EU)

in the book

Padjelantaleden Overview

An introduction to the Padjelantaleden trail with information about location, route marking, what do expect during the hike, difficulty, language, and more.

Swedish Outdoors

This chapter is about hiking in Sweden, camping, and a basic overview of using the STF/BLT mountain huts.

Travel Planning

Information for planning your journey to northern Sweden, including how to get to Kvikkjokk and Ritsem, weather, and an overview of the hiking season.

Equipping Yourself

A basic guide to the supplies and clothing you will need to safely hike in the mountains of northern Sweden.


Day to day trail guide for hiking the 140 km from Kvikkjokk to Ritsem. Using the huts as stages, this separates the hike into 11 different days.

sample pages

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Padjelantaleden Sweden - Hiking From Kvikkjokk to Ritsem